He squats in the weeds, face bloodied for reasons unknown and radiating the stress and deference to authority that inform us, the viewer, that he has been caught in the act of some transgression, though what it was we do not know. Alhough the few words you can hear are foreign and muffled, the intent of his captor is clear.
Upon a moment's observation it becomes plain that he has been in this situation before; his left hand missing completely, his left arm ending in a fleshy nub. Whatever circumstances caused the loss of the left hand have been repeated and now he is being entreated to place his right hand upon the rock before him, in full knowledge that within moments it too will become a stump.
Though we lack full knowledge of the situation, it is obvious that it is both dire and grim. The man lacks a single scrap of clothing, covered instead with a veil of fear. It is obvious that he does not wish to put his hand on the rock, but judging by the blood on his head and the large machete wielded by his captor, to refuse will surely result in a punishment worse than the loss of a hand.
One can't help but wonder what will befall this man once justice has been meted. The simplest things we take for granted; writing, counting change, using doorknobs; these things and multitudes of others will soon become difficult, if not impossible tasks. This handicap will only be further exacerbated by the social shunning that is to ensue. One can imagine that if the loss of a hand signifies the mark of a thief, brigand, or any other stigma, that the loss of both will permanently brand him an outcast.
Yet the basic survival instinct supercedes all rational thought and the man agrees to the punishment due. He places his hand across the rock and waits for the searing pain that is mere seconds away.
In the space of an instant it is over. The blade comes down and cuts through sinew and bone as if they were not even present. The hand falls forward and we are left with a visual of our victim soundlessly running away, the only accompanying soundtrack being the harsh clang of metal on stone.
You may wonder, and rightly so, why I keep posting about and offering links to videos showing the most desperate moments and situations resulting in trauma or death. I assure you that by providing it here on Bonez I am not attempting to appeal to your basest and most prurient desires.
I post this kind of material to help you step back from your reality for just a moment. We tend to get caught up in our day to day stresses, concerned only with what is happening in our own little sphere of reality; and sometimes we delude ourselves into believing that the worst of the world has befallen us.
Videos like this help to center yourself; to realize that no matter how bad things may be for you at the moment, for someone else it is far worse. Maybe you've lost your job, fallen out with a loved one or been rejected, it doesn't matter. The point is that our problems, no matter how massive they may seem at any moment are much more fleeting than the issues of others.
Sometimes material like this is not so much a celebration of the gruesome as it is a means to putting your own problems into perspective.
Video is linked here.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Sunday, March 9, 2008
I had the opportunity to meet Emo Philips last night. I must admit that I am still giddy with glee. He was a very courteous and gracious man, and though I only spoke to him for a moment it meant the world to me. I managed to tell him that his work was a great influence on my own and very briefly discussed the kind of writing I do. I intend to write a longer piece about it on Bonez, but I just wanted to mention it for the time being. The man is a hero of mine and has been for a great many years. If you're not familiar with him, check out his albums, E=MO2, Live at the Hasty Pudding and Emo Philips. The man is a genius.
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
I Hate Cows
I have to say it. I hate cows. I had one trapped in my room earlier tonight. It's WINTER! The cows should all be dead. But no, I can hear that fucker buzzing around the window. Damn cows. Always buzzing around your head. You know how if you watch a cow when it lands on you it picks up its hooves and rubs them together? IT'S TASTING YOU! They've managed to ruin just about every picnic I've ever been on. God damn I hate cows.
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