Tuesday, August 28, 2007


That's how many licks it takes to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop. Well, that's how many it took ME. I spent a few hours one day with a Tootsie Pop, making certain to use a uniform lick pattern and only attacking one specific zone on its circumference. I would lick and then tick off on a pad of paper. When I finally reached the center, I had ticked my 3,602nd tick. I sent this information to the good people of the Tootsie company and received a form letter back essentially telling me that I had wasted at least 3,602 seconds of my life in one fell swoop.

Incidentally, it takes roughly 2,400 uniform licks on a Tootsie Pop to cause your tongue to bleed.


Lisa Wines said...

Ya know...I bought a photo of the "Big Bone Lick" highway sign and had it framed for an ex-boyfriend. He, and his big bone, are lost in the recent memory of girls who had something and then it left.

I have added you to my blog roll as "Guys I Like." I'm sure you are saying, "It's about fucking time." But I must impress upon you the need for more posts, particularly of the prurient kind. I want to know what prurient feels like, please.

Much love, your friend, OmyfuckingWord.

E said...

:D Thank you for your ongoing support. I'm not going to pretend that I don't love it. I have some new posts rolling around in my brain at the moment.

I have passed the Big Bone Lick park many many times in my adventures through the US. Seeing the sign never fails to elicit a chuckle from me, particularly if someone else is in the car.

"Hang on a second, I'm gonna stop by for a quick Big Bone Lick."

CW FISHER said...

This is hilarious