Tuesday, January 15, 2008

No, There Is No Real Message To Be Found Here

I heard it said once (on The Simpsons of all places) that to a musician, "music is a fire in your belly that comes out your mouth, so you'd better stick an instrument in front of it". Having taken on writing as a more serious prospect than just an occassional hobby, I'm beginning to understand a bit of what they're saying there. As it stands, my writing process is fairly straightforward. I think all day on whatever it is I feel like writing about. Sometimes it's some humorous observation, sometimes it's just something fun, and sometimes something will just happen right there in front of me.

Regardless of where it comes from, the inspiration reaches a point where you're ready to work with it. At that stage I sit down, open Notepad and just let it go. It's usually a pretty easy process for me, it has been most of my life. I just switch my conscious mind off and let my fingers and brain work together to do whatever they're going to do. Some things just flow right off the top of the brain and some need to be worked with, shaped and molded until I find exactly what I was looking for. I've written a handful of things in my day that I consider a smashing success. I'm quite proud of another set and then there's just the rest, not great, not awful, but not really worth taking the time to read.

Normally, once the writing portion is done, I feel almost post orgasmic, more or less drained. Whatever it was that was storming about in my head has left and I find myself feeling rather weak. It's really quite a good thing. On occassion though, it doesn't abate even after the creation is complete. Today is one such day. I wrote my lurid little suicide video piece a couple of hours ago and then expected to just kick back and play some games, or perhaps watch a movie. But my brain is just not allowing that to happen tonight. Even now I'm spewing out more drivel. Yes, I know there's no real point to what's being said here, and to me that's fine. I'm just trying to use up some of that spare energy. I don't want to waste it, but I don't have a clear focal point for it at the moment either. It's kind of lose/lose. If nothing else, it will put words on the page and prove that I do more than just what you see at Bonez.

If you started reading this hoping I would lapse into something humorous or even thought provoking, I hate to disappoint. This is just me expending some energy. Truth be told, even after what I've thrown down here, I still have that feeling. It's early. Guess it's time to work on some of my side projects. Arrivederce.


Saradevil said...

I almost always feel orgasmic and drained when I've finished writing something. I get that completely!

E said...

It is amazing how it works. I just have a second voice in my head that talks louder than everything else. It won't go away until I let it say what it wants.

Could be worse, it could be screaming it wants crack.