Saturday, February 2, 2008

Is This Thing On?

My voice is crap. I'm working on a fun little thingamajig for Bonez that involves overdubbing a commercial. I do NOT have an announcer's voice. My voice is rather high pitched and a tad nasally. Couple that with my consuming dislike for being recorded and it's taking me seven trillion takes to get single words like "Plastic" recorded. Oy. I'll just have to keep on trying. Maybe I can work some studio magic and clean up in postproduction. :P


Saradevil said...

Studios are the best things for cleaning stuff up!

Lisa Wines said...

Hey you - what kinds of probs are you having? I can probably help. If you're having troubles with the word plastic, is it because the "p" is "popping" loudly? If so, you need a pop filter. 20 bucks. Or, just get an embroidery hoop, stretch a pair of nylongs over it, and jury-rig it to the mic so that when you speak into the mic you speak through the nylon. Then, no pops of your p's or t's etc.

To loosen up and feel more natural, record yourself doing a really fun fake voice. Get real squeeky cartoony and then go real deep and Shaft-like. Do a couple of extremes, then laugh and relax and talk to the mic like you're telling the story to me, or Bonez.

Anyway, voice work is my thang so email me if you need any help.

E said...

Oh shit, people have been commenting! I think I need to set my blog to notify me. ;)

Actually, I've managed to get decent enough sound out of my meager rig. I'm not looking for professional. I'm not even looking for unbelievably amateurish.

No, my problem is entirely due to the fact that I don't have a deep voice and really can't pretend that I do. My natural timbre is somewhat high and a tad nasally.

In the past, I would simply over smoke for an evening and then wake up in the morning sounding like Barry White. However, I've just passed my four month mark since quitting, so that's a bit out of the question.

I've considered going to a smoky bar to achieve that same voice, and I'm very likely doing karaoke in the near future, so that may remain an option.

At any rate, my computer crashed and I lost pretty much ALL of my personal writings. (Again! Being a tech guy it's amazing how much I harp on people to do backups and then get lazy with my own stuff....) One of those pieces was the script to what I wanted to do.

I can rewrite, of course, both that piece and other things, but now it comes down to "the right time". It'll still happen, just don't know for certain when.

Bonez said...

I want my eTV!!!
Where's the Terry Chop Chop interview, Thug?

E said...

Etv will never happen. I am simply not comfortable on camera. :P Chop shall be done. As they say, life sometimes gets in the way of life. So life has been of late.